Wednesday, April 19, 2006


paunice said...

..people can try to ignore hip hop and its culture if they want to..but it is a genre and lifestyle that speaks to the times we are living in... i look forward to Deconstructing Tyrone... congrats! ladies....

paunice said...

..people can try to ignore hip hop and its culture if they want to..but it is a genre and lifestyle that speaks to the times we are living in... i look forward to Deconstructing Tyrone... congrats! ladies....

paunice said...

.. natalie i knew you came from a long line of educated negros...your uncle sounds like he was a nice man! i miss him and i don't even know him... he reminds me of men in my family...and other strong intelligent black men holding it down for their families, students and anyone else who needs them.... r.i.p. DR.Uncle!