Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So Smooth...

It's the ironies of ironies.

I've recently written a lot about video girls and their construction in society and land of hip hop. Our Hip-Hop chapter in the book interviews women in the industry, from label execs to video babes. We actually hear from them, for a change, on how they manage in a hypermasculine culture. For research, we read a lot of Smooth and King magazines, the marketing arm for 'video vixens.' Most lay women don't know of Smooth's existence.
Several months ago I was partying with my BFFs Brian and Shayne. We ended up at some random club in the VIP section. It was a Smooth party in Chicago for one of the magazine's cover girls. I thought nothing of it. We didn't stay long.

A few months later, Brian called me to come by his job for a 'surprise.' He whipped out Smooth and showed our photo. There we are, mugging for the camera. I had forgotten that we took a picture. What were the odds that I'd be in the video girl bible?

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